Shade & Sun Lawn Mixture

Shade & Sun Lawn Mixture is designed to perform exceptionally well in areas that have a combination of shade and sun throughout the day. Shade & Sun Mixture checks all of the boxes for lawns with difficult and diverse growing conditions. This mixture produces a low-growing, fine-textured lawn with a desirable dark green color. It is quick to establish, has great disease resistance, and exhibits great traffic and drought tolerance. 

Shade & Sun Lawn Mixture contains 20% Chewings Fescue, 20% Perennial Ryegrass, 20% Creeping Red Fescue, 20% Kentucky Bluegrass, and 20% Hard Fescue. 

Germinates in 7 – 30 days. 

Rates for seeding new lawns:
5lbs per 1000 sq ft

Rates for over-seeding:
3lbs per 1000 sq ft

Tim Gosnell